10946 of your peers have contributed their salary information anonymously.
In order to access this data, please contribute below.Our salary comparison service is provided free of charge for the benefit of the global SAP community. Responsible participation is something that we expect and feel we can rely on to a large extent.
However, to safeguard against any bogus entries which may be added from time to time, we have implemented both manual and automated quality control systems.
You will notice that every salary profile listing contains a ‘Report this entry’ link which enables our community members to notify us of suspicious entries. Should you see a salary profile that looks inaccurate, please report it to us and we will investigate and remove if appropriate.
In addition to your participation, we have developed a feature which automatically notifies us if a salary profile is added for any given job role which deviates beyond a certain tolerance level from the median salary for that job role and location.
Finally, we took the decision to display Median salaries by default (but with the option to switch to view averages if you wish). Median numbers account better for extremely high or extremely low values which would otherwise skew the data.
If you have any suggestions on how we can further improve the data, please contact us.